Lenten Adoration
Adoration on Thursdays during Lent
Feb. 15, 22,
March 1,8,15 and 22
Adoration on Thursdays during Lent
Feb. 15, 22,
March 1,8,15 and 22
Nativity Hands for God Puppet Ministry will be hosting a Spaghetti-Lasagna Lunch Fund-raiser and performing their Christmas Puppet Show on Sunday, December 10, after 10:30 Mass. $8.00 per adult $5.00 for kids, $25.00 max per family. Come join us for food, fun, and fellowship and the telling of the Christmas story as only our puppets…
Announcements for First Sunday of Advent The poinsettia sale begins this weekend and will continue until December 5th/6th. If you don’t want to purchase a plant for your house please purchase one to decorate God’s house. Memorials will also be accepted and names placed in the bulletin. A Guild member will be in the Narthex…
Auction is Sat, Sep. 10th. Dinner at 6:00. Auction starts at 6:30 and ends at 10 pm. Dinner is BBQ, beans, slaw, spaghetti, dessert. Auctioneer will be Mike Heisley who was here last year. prizes. Some of the prizes we have received so far are. Dinners by our priests. Out door table and chairs that…
Please Note the Revised Schedule for 4th Sunday of Advent and Christmas Masses ***REMEMBER YOU MUST PICK 2! *** ONE FROM SUNDAY AND ONE FROM NATIVITY 12/23 Sunday Vigil Mass 5 PM (English) 12/23 Sunday Vigil Mass 7 PM (Spanish) 12/24 Sunday Mass 9 AM (English) 12/24 The NATIVITY of our Lord, Children’s Vigil Mass,…
Nativity will have Soup and Salad following Stations of Cross on Fridays during Lent. This is Nativity’s Rice Bowl and all donated money will be sent to Operation Rice Bowl.