
Santoral y Medalla Milagrosa

 Aquí están los enlaces a la Santa del Día e información sobre la Medalla Milagrosa. Homilía Española 7º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Por Deacon Chris Frame ¡Oh María, concebida sin pecado, ruega por nosotros que recurrimos a ti! Santoral (https://www.aciprensa.com/santoral/), Medalla Milagrosa https://www.aciprensa.com/recursos/virgen-de-la-medalla-milagrosa-3724/ Medalla Milagrosa Novena  https://www.aciprensa.com/recursos/novena-a-la-virgen-de-la-medalla-milagrosa-1802/) ACI, aciprensa.com,



Nativity‘s next Lifeblood drive is Sunday, February 5th.  Did you know that Lifeblood meets about 60% of the blood product needs of the Mid-south? One donation of whole blood can save up to 3 lives?  There is no substitute for human blood.  Call Janet to Schedule your appt. today (901-652-5475)  Saving lives is what it’s…

Lessons & Carols and Christmas Party

The Nativity Christmas Party is December 11, beginning at 5 pm, with Lessons and Carols, Nativity Christmas Pageant by our PRE students, and Turkey and Ham Dinner. The Most Reverend Martin D. Holley, Bishop of Memphis, will be presiding at the Lessons and Carols, attending the Christmas Pageant and joining us at dinner. Please come…