Lenten Parish Mission
Fr. Ben’s Mission “ GOD’S MERCY- Meaning of Suffering In Our Life”
Feb. 18(Spanish” ),
Feb. 19th and 20th ( English)
from 6:30pm-8:00pm
Fr. Ben’s Mission “ GOD’S MERCY- Meaning of Suffering In Our Life”
Feb. 18(Spanish” ),
Feb. 19th and 20th ( English)
from 6:30pm-8:00pm
St. Vincent de Paul Food Mission on Monroe Street is asking for help through their “Advent Giving Campaign.” The Mission serves 150-250 of God’s people 365 days a year. Give through their GoFundMe page at www.gofundme.com/StVincentdePaulMemphis. The goal for this year is $100,000 and the fund is half-way there. For more information contact Amy Marcella, 2017 Fundraising Chairperson, Society of St. Vincent de Paul…
Ash Wednesday Masses Feb. 14 8am, noon, 7pm
Click Here for a Complete List of Auction Items
Announcements for Thirty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time The Lector Workbooks for 2015 can be picked up in the Narthex this weekend. Please make sure you pick up the correct language. [hr] The Latino community at Nativity is hosting, “Noche de Trova” on next Saturday, November 14 from 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. It is $15…