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Music Notes:
From the Desk of Scott Elsholz, DM There will be no music rehearsals on Wednesday, October 12. There will be no children’s choir rehearsal on Wednesday, October 19, though the handbell choir and parish choir will still rehearse.
Church of the Nativity, December 18th at 6:20pm All are welcome to celebrate with us in this Hispanic tradition that recreates the Holy Pilgrimage of Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem looking for a place for Jesus to be born. (In Mexico it is a novena, but we will condense it into one…
Lenten Parish Mission
Fr. Ben’s Mission “ GOD’S MERCY- Meaning of Suffering In Our Life” Feb. 18(Spanish” ), Feb. 19th and 20th ( English) from 6:30pm-8:00pm
Breakfast with Santa Pictures Available
FYI: The printed Breakfast with Santa Pictures will be out in the Narthex no later than 3:30 today and will be available after Masses this weekend. The church is in preparation for the visit of Bishop Holly tomorrow so things might be moved about from their usual places. The hope is to leave them on…
Pet Blessing
The Blessing of Animals at Nativity will take place in the Church’s parking lot on 10/02/16 from 2:00P.M. to 3:00P.M. You are responsible for cleaning up your pet’s accidents. La bendicion de las mascotas se llevara a cabo en el estacionamiento de la Iglesia el 2 de Octubre de 2 a 3 pm. Los duenos seran…
Christmas Caroling
Christmas Caroling is on December 18. The caroling will begin at 6:30 pm at Ave Maria at 2805 Charles Bryan Rd., Bartlett, TN 38134. All ages and voices are welcome.